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WMAL - We are on the way back!

from - Rod Davies

Membership Secretary, Welsh Masters Athletics Limited.

The regulations under which we struggle still preclude us from organising competitions, largely because even if the limit on sports gatherings increases next week from 30 to 50, that still includes all the officials, which does not leave enough space for competitors. At least, not in sufficient numbers to allow a viable meeting.

However, we can run a few small events, which will allow us to meet up, and get in some preparation for the competitions to come. Each of these evenings will focus on one set of events. We will be able to train together, as long as certain well-known restrictions are observed, and offer each other advice. Let's try to keep it constructive... We will no doubt end up with a few full-blooded efforts, which can be measured to satisfy your curiosity. Please note, though, these are not formal competitions.

The evenings will be as follows:-

Wednesday 26 May 2021 Aberdare 7.15 to 9.15 pm - Jumps

Wednesday 2 June 2021 Cwmbran 6.30 to 8.30 pm - Middle distance

Friday 11 June 2021 Swansea 6 to 8 pm - Sprints

Wednesday 16 June 2021 Aberdare 7.15 to 9.15pm - Throws

Entry to these events is free, but will be restricted to current (ie paid-up) members. Your membership status is Current

So come and have some fun, and get in some practice!



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