Report courtesy of Bernie Jones. (North Wales Cross Country League). The North Wales Cross Country League is sad to announce the passing of Peter Norman yesterday afternoon 15th July 2023. Peter was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia on 20th June and was cared for at home by family and a truly wonderful team of Doctors, District Nurses and Carers.
Peter was a stalwart of Wrexham AC and organised many of their races for many years including the Village Bakery Half Marathon and Helena Tipping 10km, both of which are still running.
Peter was a multi World Champion in triathlon and a Welsh International and many times North Wales and Welsh Champion at cross country in various age groups over the years. Only last year he won the Welsh M80+ Welsh Cross Country Championship.
A true gentleman who had time for everyone he will be sadly missed. Our condolences to his family, friends and many club mates in the running and triathlon community
RIP Peter Norman