*Welsh Master David Murrie is pictured in black (*above right) with the 2nd placed athlete Mustafa bin Ibrahim on the podium at the Singapore International event.
David Murrie set a new track record and won his 300m long hurdles race in Singapore during an international two-day event.
Special report by Don Hale. https://donhaleblog.blogspot.com
Welsh Master David Murrie beat the heat overseas to set a new championship record in the 300m long hurdles event last Sunday (11/6/23) despite the extreme conditions in Singapore during a special two-day international T&F event.
David, who competed as a Welsh veteran athlete, won his MV65 age cat with a great performance in this long hurdle race (0.762m) in 52.29.

David Murrie was obviously delighted with his outstanding result and confirmed: “On Sunday, I competed in the blazing sun at the extremely hot Singapore International Masters Track & Field Championships - in the men’s over 65 300m Hurdles, after completing some work in Thailand, and I will return to Wales at the end of this week.
“Members may be interested in hearing about this annual two-day competition that hosted teams from Australia, Brunei, China, Dubai, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Poland, Thailand as well as Singapore …and me! I have some general images, and I believe there was a video taken, but it has not been forwarded as yet.”